discover kinds heat pumps

Discover the Different Kinds of Heat Pumps

Not all heat pumps are created equal - geothermal and air source heat pumps differ greatly in the way they provide heat to your Boise home or office.Here, you can take a look at some of the ways that geothermal and air source heating systems differ, along with some of their similarities. An air source heat pump works by exchanging hot and cold air in a closed system similar to a refrigerator; air source heat pumps are common fixtures on homes and can often extract useful heat from temperatures as low as five degrees Fahrenheit.With their ubiquity and relatively high level of efficiency compared with electric space heaters comes a low need for maintenance: air source heat pumps can function for ten to twenty years at times with minimal maintenance.It is a good idea, though, to keep an eye on the state of your air source heat pump - a failing heat pump can be a very serious issue in the cold winter months. ... Read More